Baby arc and Roller at Corpus Studios

Baby arc and Roller

Enhance your Pilates practice with our specialized Mat classes incorporating the Pilates Baby Arc and Foam Roller at Corpus Studios™ in Brussels. The curved surface of these accessories is designed to help open the chest and hips, providing a unique stability challenge that quickly improves balance and control. These classes are particularly beneficial for countering the effects of a desk-bound, sedentary lifestyle or for supporting the aging population in maintaining mobility and strength.

Our Mat classes with the Baby Arc and Foam Roller focus on enhancing your flexibility and stability while promoting proper alignment and muscle activation. Our experienced instructors guide you through exercises that target key muscle groups, helping to relieve tension and improve overall body mechanics. Whether you’re looking to alleviate the stresses of daily life or maintain a high level of fitness as you age, our classes offer a supportive and motivating environment. Join us to experience the transformative benefits of Pilates and achieve a healthier, more balanced body.

Card required: Collective Card/System card
Location: Borrens(B)
Class Duration: 55 min

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