Osteopathy Q&A

Osteopaths are medical professionals who rely on evidence-based medicine, specialised in orthopaedics and commonly referred by doctors. They specialise in the treatment of musculoskeletal dysfunction and work to alleviate referred symptoms.

A diagnostic plan of treatment is based on the taking of a medical case history, followed by a physical evaluation which may include orthopaedic and neurological testing. Included in the treatment plan is a short homework of specific exercises.

Osteopathy is a non-invasive form of medical manual therapy that works primarily with a hands-on approach and may include alternative therapies depending on the practitioners’ training.

Each treatment is unique and specifically tailored to the patient.

Osteopathy was founded in the late 1800’s by Andrew Taylor Still in Missouri, USA. The first school of osteopathy opened in 1892. He developed a branch of medicine aimed to optimise health without the use of surgery or medication. Andrew Taylor Still advocated the body as a unit with self-healing mechanisms. He acknowledged the interrelation of structure and function as a vital ideology for osteopathy.

Osteopathy can be considered as a treatment option for:
– Recent or past injury
– Chronic muscle pain
– Postural dysfunction
– Muscular tension
– General musculoskeletal evaluation after random accidents i.e fall from the stairs, your bicycle (not to be confused with an insurance claim evaluation)

*Additionally, it may be used in treatment to influence other systems such as cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurological i.e: Arthritis, cervicogenic headaches, lumbago, rheumatic pain, sciatica, digestion problems, neuralgia, fibromyalgia… among many.

Osteopathy welcomes people of all ages and populations i.e elderly, pregnant women, mobility-reduced individuals, children* (a parent/guardian is needed in the room during treatment), neurological and myalgia pathologies.

We do our best to accommodate wheelchairs, please let us know in advance so that we may adapt the facility.

*Specific to this clinic, we are dealing with only +10. Osteopathy is suitable for babies and toddlers but not currently available at our clinic.

A doctor’s visit is not required, however in certain circumstances it may be deemed appropriate.

*If you have been diagnosed with a serious condition such as cancer, a congenital pathology, or anything that requires ongoing medical treatment, please speak to your doctor first and bring the necessary medical reports.

Osteopathy, chiropractic, and physiotherapy are all branches of manual therapy that crossover in treatment techniques. However, we all work a little differently…

Osteopathy at the core is a holistic approach and assumes the mind, the body, the spirit and the viscera as integral within the treatment.

1. How to prepare
To facilitate an efficient examination, the patient is suggested to dress down to their underwear. Alternatively bring a pair of shorts and form-fitting upper garment (for women). We ask you to bring a large towel for your discretion and comfort.
Please bring relevant scans, imaging, and medical reports of your injury.

2. What to expect
I. A complete case history is taken, during which you are questioned about your present and past health, everyday life including sports, hobbies and habits, medications (prepare a list), your objective, and expectations of the visit.
II. An examination includes observation and a physical evaluation. You may be asked to perform specific orthopedic or neurological tests to investigate the cause of your pain.
III. Treatment techniques may include any or all of the following:
massage, fascial rolling, lymphatic drainage, active and passive articulation, trigger point, stretches, muscle activation (MET), high-velocity thrusts (the cracking technique),.. we discuss and ask for consent throughout the treatment.

3. Follow-up treatments:
Follow-up treatments are a continuation of the established treatment plan, with consideration to the progress achieved from your homework, past treatments and integrated changes to active daily living.

4. Re-evaluation:
If you haven’t been to the clinic in the past year, a re-evaluation is mandatory (a quick screening of your health and evaluation of the current concern).

Meet Our Osteopathy Team

Pauline Gonzales

Pauline Gonzales is an osteopath who qualified from the London School of Osteopathy. She has always had an interest in biomechanics, understanding how the body moves and loves to learn about anatomy!

Previous training injuries led Pauline to adapt her lifestyle and approach to healing, which ultimately put her on the path of Osteopathy.

Osteopathy is a holistic form of manual therapy (drug-free and non-invasive) that is closely linked to the philosophy that restoring balance within the body is key for a healthy life.

Currently, Pauline’s osteopathic approach is mainly structural, using a variety of treatment techniques.

One of Osteopathy’s core tenets include that “The body is a unit” which really resonates with Pauline. Every single patient is different which means every single session is personalized. Pauline is dedicated to bringing you the most appropriate physical assessment and treatment, tailored to your needs, and help you live pain-free!

Pauline has a special interest in women’s health, especially pelvic floor related issues, pregnancy, and post-partum. She’s also looking to incorporate visceral and cranio-sacral osteopathy at some point in the future.

Pauline has a keen interest in nutrition and endocrinology and in her spare time, loves horse riding, aerial disciplines, cooking and travelling.

Giuseppe Ragno

Giuseppe Ragno is an osteopath who graduated from the A.T. Still Academy in Bari. His work is a real passion and a daily challenge. Thanks to his previous studies in Posturology, he is able to analyse and evaluate the problems of his patients with a holistic approach, which differs from the common conception of the human body as composed of many districts and organs that operate independently.

There is no pain whose cause is obvious and immediately attributable to a localised dysfunction. Often the origin of the pain is to be found in areas other than those affected. For example, a common backache may result from excessive fatigue in the foot or a malfunctioning jaw. Similarly, would you have ever imagined that overloading the intestines can induce headaches?

Our body is a machine with complex gears and countless transmission belts. Being able to find the right key to interpret when the warning light of pain turns on, identifying its origin, looking at the patient in all his complexity, and being able to guarantee him lasting benefit are the greatest satisfaction that his work can give him.

His studies have given him the ability to adapt to each individual patient with different approaches – structural, fascial, visceral, cranial. he has a special interest in the developmental age and related postural disorders. He is also a great sports enthusiast and will advise you on the right preventive and curative sports activities.

Giuseppe Ragno Osteopath at Corpus Studios

Giuseppe Ragno

Peter Kvintovics Massage Therapist at Corpus Studios


The general effects of a massage are improved circulation and better cell metabolism. It decreases stress and tiredness and improves muscle tone and regeneration. Depending on the use of the technique it may either relax or reenergize the muscles.

Meet Our Massage Team

Massage Therapist

Pauline Gonzales

Pauline is a sports massage therapist. She qualified in London in 2018 and holds the level 3 qualification. As she also qualified as an osteopath, her massages are naturally very focused on rehabilitation and tension relief (chronic or recent).

The purpose of sports massage is to promote injury healing, optimise athletic performance and facilitate muscle recovery.
A session generally targets an area chosen by the client however treatment may also include some slightly more general techniques to aid overall well-being.
While sports massage may bit a little firmer than your typical massage, Pauline will make sure she meets your needs and adapt the intensity of the treatment.

Pauline is available on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Peter offers Swedish massage with additional techniques as required. The general effects of a massage are improved circulation and better cell metabolism. It decreases stress and tiredness and improves muscle tone and regeneration. Depending on the use of the technique it may either relax or reenergize the muscles.

The body is usually broken up into a number of areas that a masseur works on. At the beginning of each massage the client points out what parts of his/her body hurts or has problems, so that the masseur can focus more on that specific area.

Massage Therapist