The Gyrotonic method® of movement is based on circular and undulating motion.

The GYROTONIC® method

Discover the transformative GYROTONIC® method at Corpus Studios™, centered around circular and undulating motions to enhance movement and well-being. GYROTONIC® exercises utilize a pulley tower and rotational disks on a handle unit to stretch, strengthen muscles, improve circulation, and enhance respiratory function, promoting a toned and balanced physique. Perfect for individuals with sedentary lifestyles seeking more grace and openness, our GYROTONIC® classes at Corpus Studios™ provide a holistic approach to fitness. At our Borrens studio in Brussels, we offer specialized equipment including 4 Handle units and Pulley Towers®, 1 Archway®, 1 Jumping stretching board®, and 1 Gyrotoner®. These tools facilitate comprehensive exercises that support core stability, flexibility, and overall body coordination. Join us at Corpus Studios™ to experience the benefits of the GYROTONIC® method, where our experienced instructors guide you through personalized sessions tailored to your fitness goals. Whether you’re new to GYROTONIC® or seeking to deepen your practice, our classes offer a nurturing environment to improve physical strength and mental clarity.
At Borrens, there are 4 Handle units and Pulley Towers®, 1 Archway®, 1 Jumping stretching board®, and 1 Gyrotoner®.

Card required: Group Apparatus card/System card
Location: Borrens(B)
Duration: 55 min

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